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introducing Parabolidog
by serial_me on January 28, 2006

neighbourhood #1

this guy belongs to our neighbour and friend,
and is a compulsive fighter...
he is usually full of wounds ,of course, and after the aids are done, there goes the guy with the rest of the aid-kit...

he has already the nickname of Parabolicão ( parabolic dog ) but in Portuguese it sounds real funny and has a double meaning.

if you are seeing a blurry image you are probably drunk
©2004 jkossatz, all rights reserved

and if we don't something wrong with my eyes?
Big collars are in this year for dogs too?
gfdwyer - Jan 28, 2006

linda ...

é verdade, que como disse, volto para ler as fotos dos amigos. mas publicar, só muito raramente. fui para outros sítios,

às vezes vou deixando os meus traços por aqui. uma palavra ou um link. piscadelas de amizade.

albatroz_2 - Jan 29, 2006

he is very fashionable. ;)
hahaha, i love the name "parabolicão"!
yam - Feb 17, 2006

dfuy7fh - Mar 16, 2006

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