
what is?

!!SeX©|||||||||||||||> streetart [ not STREET ART ] bottle posters sticker objects chalk + lime paintings
main image
-_- -_-
by sex on January 11, 2004
A lost space in the centre beside the ex squat
" tacheles " ":).tk " is a manifestation of web content A) the e-_-mail smily "[email protected]"
B) a browser development named "Favoritshortcut" which allows to request preferred addresses by typing pageinitials and "ENTER" ie "ul" for "Unisversity.xy/libary"

Webmaster can prepair their pages for this technique , but user can create their own shortcuts with 1,2,3 or 4 digits.

They had modified my password and they are bringing up to date my images without my permission, takes care how much the security of this site
Mystic - Jan 18, 2004

pw request by myself - Feb 25, 2004
