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under the milky way tonight
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people, park, poop 2004-Dec-16
by smacksack on December 16, 2004
I'm emotional about my recent move to NYC. It was cold, it was ugly, so I bundled up and went to central park with my camera. It smelled so clean and crisp. People were running around with their dogs, their rollerblades, their invisible friends. I was on this path and I turned around and looked up and saw the buildings in the background looming over the naked trees and I became completely overwhelmed. I started crying from pure happiness. It was such a weird and new feeling and it knocked me out at the knees. I sat on a bench and just cried like a baby. I'm living my dream. I am walking out of my apartment to go to central park. I can do this whenever I want. It's a far fuck from ohio, that's for god damn sure. So I cried.
©2004 smacksack
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gorgeous frame
inthegan - Dec 19, 2004

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