2 steps forward
how many back?
i did know this was a gamble
but i thought that i could pull it off
now i am not so sure
my gallery basically cares about selling to their clients
and unfortunately does not see building my career with respect to critical acclaim as an important element in this process.
we are picking the images for the invitation and their choice is the two paintings that i (and basically everyone else) like the least. not only are they not representative of this body of work as a whole, they are so strongly connected to the work of my last show, that it will appear as if i haven't developed in the slightest.
i am not sure if all that i did last night to prepare alternatives for them is having any impact and i feel as if i have sold out both myself and my work. this does not sit well with me, it's 9:00 pm and aside from watercolors, i haven't been able to paint yet today.