and the good news....
and the good news is that my gallery called today and they are going to shoot 4 images for the invitation, and then decide on 2.
the 2 that they liked and this choice of mine.
my attitutude towards my work had already shifted (thankfully) but this was such a relief; such a relief to find that my opinions and feelings about my own work actually carried some weight with them.
so the rest of the day is spent preparing these 4 to leave. aside from paper work and wrapping, this means shooting them in a variety of formats: digital RAW, 35mm slides and 6 x 7 chromes.
ugh, it's very exacting work (no skew tool or levels in analog) and precision is not my middle name, but my tests came back from the lab and they were very spot on, hopefully i got it.
featured above is my very lovely macro lens for my bronica, without which such an endeavor would be impossible.