
what is?

the other side
main image
ok, bleeker
by animus on July 2, 2005

the lamb seems right out of place,
yet the broadway street scene finds a focus in it’s face.
somehow it’s lying there,
brings a stillness to the air.
though man-made light, at night is very bright,
there’s no whitewash victim,
as the neons dim, to the coat of white.
rael imperial aerosol kid
wipes his gun - he’s forgotten what he did,
and the lamb lies down on broadway.

©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

PerFeCt WorDs

YoU aRe a JoY tO mE.
obdada - Jul 02, 2005

not just to you...
bruce - Jul 03, 2005

Loved the melon link. Thannk you! :D
johanna - Jul 03, 2005

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