
what is?

the other side
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by animus on September 16, 2005

i don't think that it is easy for anyone to clean their studio...

to face unresolved work,
work you don't like,
work that evokes another time & place.

it's not easy to have to decide whether to go through stuff and edit
(read:time consuming & traumatic)
or to box it and store it
(read:space consuming & unresolved).

it's not easy to find a place for everything in a way that it is readily retrievable,
yes, i have now set up a 3rd computer, an old lap top, so that i can enter into my "organize" database as i put stuff away.
(remember "box o' cameras"?)

but add to this that i am a collector of all things
(read archivest on a good day, pack rat on a bad)
and when it comes to the pods and the feathers and the seaweed and the dried flowers...
getting the dust off is a delicate task,
some of them break and crumble,
others have actually "gone to seed"
and all of them carry memory that is sometimes difficult to deal with.
©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

AgaIn yoUr coMMentumS HiT mE righT wheRe i LiVe-
?HavE yoU eveR seeN thaT weB site oF AndyWorhoL's
collection oF boxeS oF thingS>>???
<< Don'twE aLL-Ha everY artisT dO such: theY caLL mE a PacK raT..
WorHoL's waS/iS thE obViouS taken tO aN InfinitE ConclusioN iN the FinitEneSS oF hiS shorTeneD LiFe,,,,,,
OBdadA - Sep 17, 2005

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