
what is?

the other side
main image
straight to the heart
by animus on September 28, 2005

yes i knew this was coming,
for years even
and i had been trying to make plans to offset it
hoping maybe the change would come of my own volition

but now it's happened
and somehow
even with all the strategizing,
the trying to prepare
the feeling of the reality
is just as shocking,
is still a blow.

my life,
for better or for worse
has changed now.
©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

oh, dear friend...
bruce - Sep 29, 2005

It'S aS
TheSe wORds
(thouGHTs) ofyoURs=
SentIMeNtimentS: viewS oF & aTTiTudE
toWard a situMawaytion wHiCh
Is In mY neaR
}}oR faR{{
>>soRt oF aN ImpEndinG
D00Mm fEELinG
>>LurkinG arounD thE CorneR oF /iN tiMe{or thE FuTuReOf _mY_ LiFe..eVeN,,,,
[[It'S liKe whEn YoU saY someThinG "DeeP oR ratheR unCLear oR ineXact tO mY minD beCAUSe a ChoiCe bEtwEEnn alterNATIVES haS NoT bEEn maDe CleaR or EXpliCiT::::
ThEsE/Those saMe thoughTs are iN mY HeaD2-alsO
>>I KnoW i'M ImagininG thiS buT iT haPPenS MostlY(maybE SoLeLy)
biLLbinOBdadA - Sep 29, 2005

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