
what is?

the other side
main image
by animus on June 4, 2006

and i have been going through a lot of my father's stuff
preparing to send things to my brother

these were the labels that got sewn into the clothing he designed

i found his baptism certificate, his marines discharge papers and the letter changing his military records into his name...
he had joined the marines at 16, but since he was under age, he took his older brother's birth certificate and served as him.
he couldn't have known it at the time, but it saved him from being called up for korea
©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

It iS sO haRd tO paRt wiTh aNy "maTeriaL thingS" thAt haVe a coNNectioN witH a peRsoN thaT "haS goNe.."

VerY InteRestinG aBouT tHe aGe aNd Marines anD sucH
oBDaDa - Jun 05, 2006

lots of treasures !!
love them all !
serial_me - Jun 05, 2006

black, white...
lying, standing...
right side, wrong side...
heaps, piles...
above, below...
hiding, showing...
positive, negative...
I guess this is a time full of contradictions... image...
...I also guess a rich person...
maximorgana - Jun 05, 2006

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