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a girl's got to do
by animus on December 22, 2006

what a girl's got to do
and that means a bikini wax before mexico
spent the afternoon with my dear friend the love doctor
who is an expert in all things "girl"
(and who is my "art buddy" as well)

things were off kilter for her as well
and our general vibe of frustration
with all things external
was only magnified by the fact
that due to the winds
electricity was out all over LA
street lights not working exacerbated the holiday traffic
restaurants (2:30 pm haven't eaten all day) not serving
salons... not waxing

misery loves company
i am not alone in the world

but lauren knows when to throw her hands up and say
it's time for a bubble bath
©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

bruce - Jan 06, 2007

strong winds in LA, very heavy rains down here, maybe the 'el niño' affects CA too; supposed it happens just in South Pacific, but maybe it affects also CA .
hug you
lots of bubble baths
joanna - Jan 07, 2007

gato_gato - Jan 07, 2007

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