
what is?

the other side
main image
perspective tool
by animus on January 7, 2007

tailor made for me
to keep the world lined up straight

so with all the talk of trees in bloom in january
and the positively spring like weather
a walk in the botanic gardens seemed in order

it was great for me especially
with grass every where
and wide, wide walkways
and very few people
i could wander and weave my way through
without having to worry about bumping into things
or falling
because one of the things i haven't been able to do in almost a week is walk straight
i must look as if i am totally drunk as i make my way down the steet
(but i haven't fallen)

in terms of how i feel,
it actually doesn't seem to matter whether i rest
or i am active
it's all basically the same
and it was good to get out of the house for a bit

©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

well done!

(i envy the way you speak up)
gato_gato - Jan 17, 2007

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