
what is?

the other side
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the other side
by animus on May 2, 2008

so while the moving guys were there
i put them in the bathroom
almost immediately
the most horrendous sounds were coming from behind the door
not only a howling
but a thumping as oski heaved himself against the door
it sounded like a leopard was trapped in there
he calmed down fairly quickly
and when i went in to retrieve him
he was wedged between the toilet and the vanity
face to the wall
poor baby
when i moved him to the office
he lodged himself inside my computer desk
©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

TaLk aBouT a spoiLeD BraT CaT
sounDs LiKe
nO reaLLy=
PooR BaBy
feiSTy xxx

obdada - May 06, 2008

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