
what is?

the other side
main image
back to real life
by animus on May 4, 2008

something i haven't done in 2 years
participated in the art world
this was actually yesterday:
a benefit for smack mellon
our contractor's wife
is the director of this space
it was a kentucky derby party and i came home with my first choice piece of art from the raffle
tonite i went to hear my next door neighbor speak about her work
the first of at what will be a monthly gathering of artist's sharing their process.

even though i had tons of stuff to do at home
this part of my life has to start taking precedence again
going to these 2 events was very affirming
that i am moving in that direction
©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

that will take me longer
i just have no desire to
museu - May 09, 2008

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