
what is?

the other side
main image
dark light
by animus on February 14, 2009
©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

TotaLLy SurREAL!^^!
aNd yeT/sTiLL
ThaT yoU LiVe iN/wiThiN thiS maKeS mE aWeStrucK
HuMbLy i aM ProstraTeD beFoRe YoU wiTh/ouT
hOWeVeR iN FuLL aDmiRaTioN
yoU aLwaYs AmaZe mE
wiTh yoUR diViNe lighT oF CreaTiViTy~~~~~
obdadA - Feb 15, 2009


what a perturbing atmosphere..............
maximorgana - Feb 16, 2009

what can i say?
bsamp - Feb 16, 2009

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