
what is?

the other side
main image
downstairs powder room
by animus on May 8, 2009

everywhere i look in my mom's house
are things that are familiar to me
if not from my childhood,
then from the house she moved to
15 years ago.

i am encountering these elements
in a different configuration
and it creates an experience
that is at the same time
both comforting
and delightful
©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

ThiS MaKeS iT obViouS wheRe YoU GoT yoUR StyLe
(aNd i don'T meaN SuperficiaL-SurfacE oR VisibLe)
BuT yoUR DepTh ==i caN sEE MoMs iS thE CaT's MeoW;
YoUR RooTs Go DeeP
oBDaDA - May 10, 2009

delightful indeed
museu - May 11, 2009

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