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july 3, 1968
by animus on October 1, 2011
dear mrs. austrian,
you must be in a very very good mood to read this.I am making the sun shine too bright so please come up and make it rain, we need it. do you want to know why i am writing on a postcard? well it's because i don't want to waste a stamp,why should i? there's really no news in this letter I just felt like writing to my dear friend over in 2N. i bet it's a lot quieter over at 2N without our dear friend in common. susie didn't tell me to write this infact it filled her with horror. susie keeps getting annoyed because i keep saying pathetic, isn't that pathetic? Please write back from hell (or where ever you are) since you jumped off mrs. gluck's balcony.
little merry sunshine

````````` ^^^maKeS aBouT aS mucH senSe aS aNythinG {*} theSe 'daYs (oF yoRe)'
obdaDa - Oct 02, 2010

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