iT's sO fuNNy==
wheN i looK aT youR PicS iT iS LiKe
'LoVe' @ 1sT sighT...
i see thinGs liKe thiS iN mY LiFe buT iF i trY tO captuRe 'iT' --iT jusT doesn'T coMe ouT thE saMe..
i miSS soMething= focus, fraMe whaTeVeR,,,,
EverYthinG iS gooD heRe==lighT shadoWs lineS aNd chaoS/randomiciTy (the rocks) & ColoR..
YoU inspiRe mE aNd PLeaSe mE aLmosT eVerydaY heRe...... ThanK YoUuuuuu so MucH,