
what is?

the other side
main image
lightening strike
by animus on February 5, 2012

not the best snap from the studio today
but i got suckered by that light

when i was little
a friend of mine admired a doll that i had
i didn't really care about it
and i told my mother i would give it to her
my mom said it was too dirty
we needed to clean her up first
so we washed her
combed her hair
made her clothes nice
and by the time we were done
she looked so nice
i wanted to keep her

same thing with cleaning for guests
it looks so nice when you are done
you wonder why you don't do those things for yourself

there is another aspect to this as well
the care invested
and the discoveries one makes
in the process of cleaning
these things create/reinforce connection
in a very gentle way

LoVe thiS...
Ha i cLeaNed toDaY 2
nO guesTs//musT bE sPrinG
+ founD thinGs frOM 1 yR aGo>
iT's a CryiN' shaMe
i musT bE a thE WickeDesT CritteR iF CLeanLineSS iS NeXt to GODliNeSS>>
bLeSSinGs + LoVe frOM CA
obdaDa - Feb 06, 2012

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