ThiS iS whY i aM sO aTTracteD tO yoU§^^^^
ThiS iS sO siMilaR tO MiNeS.......
('specially the cabLes)))===+++&+that yoU shaRe THIS^^^
***TrY aS i maY MaKinG arT iS PrioriTy #1...
````````` i TrY tO beLieVe thaT oLd adaGe:¬¬¬
"a PLace foR EverythinG & eVr_t_ng iN iTs PLacE"
buT ExpedienCy fiNds a 'TeMP_oraRy" pLaCe aNd thaT tHEn tenDs tO beCoMe a ForeVeR LocaTioN....
[[MainLy iT mighT heLp iF thE daY haD 36 hrs oR i haD sOMe SpeeD==//buT theN i'D bE D E A D...Sooooo===
i LoVe yoUuuuuuu, Nina.
obdaDa - Jun 26, 2012
I love cleaning up, putting things away and arranging...................