
what is?

the other side
main image
still a mystery
by animus on July 26, 2018


i decided to open it...
i took pictures because they would be time stamped
and so
if there was ever a need to "prove" something
i would be somewhat covered

it was my artist statement
from 1994
i can't imagine why
i thought that one day
i would need to verify
that i had indeed written it????

hahaha…………...who knows why you wrote it………..anyway……… felt like reading a mistery story…………..
maximorgana - Jul 27, 2018

re. at hospital...……..

a visit to my sister-in-law………..she was operated on nodules on her throat a couple of weeks ago...……….these pictures were taken then……………..
maximorgana - Jul 27, 2018

i thought i had told you……………..
maximorgana - Jul 27, 2018

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