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by animus on November 22, 2019

never discarding............always treasuring................
maximorgana - Nov 24, 2019

r.e. do not worry about comments..................i am not taking so many pictures lately either.............

i am a bit overwhelmed by the quantity of pictures i took during our trip and how long it is taking me to work on them and get them classified............whenever that happens, i normally stop taking pictures unintentionally...............

i feel very 'attached' to all of the pictures i took (that is because of the fabulous time we had there) and i find it very difficult (i would say impossible) to discard any of them..................

i can see how wonderfully your work at the paper studio is i totally understand your being in an insular state............enjoy it..............progress is as important as result........................

sending lots of love for you too.... (i remember you so dearly last friday, when i tried those superb olives.............i know how much g/ would have loved them)....................
maximorgana - Nov 24, 2019

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