
what is?

the other side
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brought in by the tide...6
by animus on June 19, 2021

beach of endless treasures.............
maximorgana - Jun 27, 2021

thanks for all the info about fire island........all i knew about it was that it has been a very active gay cruising area for decades............your info is much more interesting than mine................!
maximorgana - Jun 27, 2021

i am spending the weekend at home...........i needed to reconnect with my family and friends ............last week was crazy.............correcting non-stop from 8am to 8pm (a short break for lunch, though..........)..............corrections of the written exams are the hardest part of the process and luckily all of them are finished.........................i am back to murcia this evening again............oral presentations start on tuesday............

i hope that you are enjoying the make me feel so jeaulous............sending plenty of love...........maximo..............
maximorgana - Jun 27, 2021

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