
what is?

the other side
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marching for a ceasefire...2
by animus on December 28, 2023


i have not posted about
how distraught i am about the situation in Gaza
i find the total lack of humanity
on the part of Israel and the US appalling

this was the first demonstration that I have attended
i will probably post more images at some point

it was sponsored by jewish elders for palestine
and jewish voice for peace

500 effigies of slaughtered children were carried through the streets of midtown and then laid to rest
in a beautiful, sombre and silent protest
accompanied by mournful drums
it felt very powerful

what is happening in gaza is such a crime...............i cannot believe the situation does not get all the news coverage it demands..............seems that chrismas lights in cities and christmas carols are more important...............

this demostrations feels dramatically moving..........the lady's face speaks volumes.............
maximorgana - Dec 31, 2023

how is it that this war is still going on?
how is it that it gets more brutal with each passing day?
animus - Dec 29, 2024

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