I PraY mY AtTiTuDE:
WiLL oNlY reFlect thE PeaCe anD GooD WiLL Of thE
SaVinG NaturE oF mY LorD JEsUSchrisT!!!!
**He DieD foR MY SiN=i.e.any parT oF mY beinG-"souL"
thAt iS leSS thaN PerFecT/
LeSs thAN thE PerFecTioN whICh iS G_D.....
I LOvE yoU 2!
Æ oBdAdA´„Œ
WiLL oNlY reFlect thE PeaCe anD GooD WiLL Of thE
SaVinG NaturE oF mY LorD JEsUSchrisT!!!!
**He DieD foR MY SiN=i.e.any parT oF mY beinG-"souL"
thAt iS leSS thaN PerFecT/
LeSs thAN thE PerFecTioN whICh iS G_D.....
I LOvE yoU 2!
Æ oBdAdA´„Œ