FuLL MooN To NighT
ThE VieW froM mY StreeT..
--NoT froM mY windoW--
--------wE aRe thE pooR oNes oN the BLocK==hahaaha
SiMpLy 1' "SmarT"hahaa SHaRpeN' iN PhotoshoP--jusT foR FuN..
The whiTe lighT iN thE loWeR LeFt sKy iS aN AiRPLaNe approaching foR LaNDinG aT LiNDberG FieLD.....
--NoT froM mY windoW--
--------wE aRe thE pooR oNes oN the BLocK==hahaaha
SiMpLy 1' "SmarT"hahaa SHaRpeN' iN PhotoshoP--jusT foR FuN..
The whiTe lighT iN thE loWeR LeFt sKy iS aN AiRPLaNe approaching foR LaNDinG aT LiNDberG FieLD.....