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dex78's fotola News
I think I'm returning to.... ME!
Wednesday, December 10, 2003 a 9:13pm
By dex78
For the past month, i have not been feeling myself.

Thankfully, there was a someone who was going through a similar phase. We were there for one another and at the same time, we weren't. When I needed to talk to someone, she was there... and I was there for her too.

I feel a spirit lifting up.
I can't see it.... I know it.
But this is spirit is not mine....
It's hers.

As I walked the stat-lit night....
I could not help but feel....

I think I'm returning to me.

thank you, my sweeetheart.* * * *
Entries from Dec 10, 2003:
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Dec 10, 2003
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Dec 10, 2003
dex78's fotola