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by growpeace on October 2, 2004
Here it is my first entry into our Growpeace blog... I have great feelings knowing our page is up to share with you.

Internet Guilt Trip

The Internet is a resource I have been watching develop. I have been using it for 10 years now.

There has been many sweeping changes since the early days. There was a magazine for a short time "Internet underground" that was published at the beginning of my Internet use. Does anyone reading this remember it?

Think back far into the misty past, a distant dawning moment before was printed on every available surface. Before the deluge of commerce and media saturation that gluts the net now. I am talking pre (that's right Virginia, there was a life before Amazon.)

Anyone who has been on the Internet since way back in those heady supercharged days may have had more than one or two feelings of, "Why didn't I think of that?...I was there before all of them but never used the technology to my advantage the way others did."

I call it Internet Guilt.

Ah Internet hindsight.

Peace, Joy

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