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Draft My Kids? Forget About It!
by growpeace on March 18, 2005
This Mom Says NO WAY are they getting my kids!

The same warmongers. who seem to break a LOT of beakers in those chemical weapons labs. Plan on trying to draft our kids.

Growpeace went to the farmers market last weekend to let others know about the draft and what to do about it.

Things have changed on the street since I was out telling people about So called “Depleted” Uranium (DU). One of the ways it feels different is the political division lines seem much more firmly drawn. Before there was a lot of lame apathy and total unawareness. Back then it was almost considered uncouth to be politically aware, now
knowing the real score is the new cool.

I think this weekend I will spend less time talking to the loosers.
Examples of instant loosers…jarheads with army shirts...grey haired old ladies with old fart men who want to lecture us about how “sometimes you just have to die for your country”:

Well you know what I say to that grandpa? I say I’d rather have my country die for me!

My sons have been raised as peace loving vegetarians. From an early age they have been young activists telling whoever will listen about the really important stuff. To think that the government is going to suck them into the bloody earth killing war machine that they have been working against their whole life is absurd.

Remember WWI and the unlucky draftees like poor Alvin York? Be sure you and your loved ones don’t end up like him. Get started on your Conscientious Objector file today!


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