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Fotola for Kari
by kari of Culpeper, VA
C'est toujours à l'imparfait de l'objectif que tu conjugues le verbe photographier.
-- Jacques Prévert

There are 3091 entries in this fotola since August 02, 2004.
5 recent entries:
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Jul 9, 2024
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Jul 8, 2024
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Jul 5, 2024
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Jul 5, 2024
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Jun 25, 2024
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kristo (paris - france)
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cheeseroll (Peer)
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max_maximil (CYBERSPACE)
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m_and_b (usa)
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villafoix (Culpeper, Virgin...)
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animus (...)
Latest news:

Having this new big size of images is great! Thank you!
By kari on July 28, 2023

Enough! Having snow again.
By kari on March 13, 2022

New Year 2022. Snow twice already.
By kari on January 17, 2022
Mostly posting 2021 still. Lots of images shot.

Returned from Southwest Colorado. Posting photos.
By kari on August 26, 2021
Del Norte, Monte Vista, Sagouache, Creede, and so on. Side trip to the Arches.

Home in Culp
By kari on November 27, 2018
Still posting photos from Finland (June 2018)

news archive

contents of this fotola copyright:
© 2024 Kari Nousiainen, all rights reserved
(unless otherwise noted)