
what is?

main image
to see thru
by gato on January 14, 2008

into bits


©2007 museu, all rights reserved

this has joy
a little pink dance
i'll take that
neene - Jan 14, 2008

yes please take that!

just because...

happy birthday
my best partner in crime

museu - Jan 15, 2008

thank you my dear,
it will be a strange one today
normally i set aside the day to paint
but in 15 minutes i will need to start over there with the tile guy and i have yet another community meeting tonite to prepare for
i am not sure there is a lot of room for "me" in all of this
i had thought that i could move some stuff into the studio by now and be able to bring out some oil today, but it's not going to be...
perhaps i will manage to do some watercolor in there, i think i must at least make that effort

thank you for starting my day in such a lovely way
yr gata
animus - Jan 15, 2008

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