
what is?

main image
what's there
by gata on July 1, 2008

sometimes we just take it
sometimes we just take what's there
sometimes it's a surprise, a joy
sometimes it's simply a bore

(this is my next door neighbor's construction
thankfully we are past this part)
©2007 museu, all rights reserved

a hood under construction
that is a good thing anyhow!

like in life
no expectation exercise
i am really loosing it
about to let it go...
wouldn´t it be
you and luisa
my fairy and whitch

museu - Jul 01, 2008

don't let go
neene - Jul 02, 2008

i have been losing it for so long
and i question it every day
let's keep going a little longer
let's find new life
i am almost at the point where maybe that could happen
neene - Jul 02, 2008

museu - Jul 04, 2008

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