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daily bread
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outside the ziegfeld
by neene on March 1, 2005


very strange,
after 4 days of seeing no one,
not going outside at all,
to end up in a theatre filled with 2000 people

in a word: overwhelming
i am glad to be back home

this was after a screening of the new film ROBOTS which i am shamelessly plugging, not because it's my brother's movie but because i think it is visually astounding.
all cameras (including cell phones) were confiscated at the door, but i knew this would happen and i snuck mine in. i was prepared for the bag search but not for the metal detector wands and THAT was a tense moment.
i had fully intended to take a few snaps during the movie, but for some reason, i didn't want to, i didn't take any pictures until i got outside
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