
what is?

daily bread
main image
by neene on April 1, 2005

it's very hard to put this experience into words
it was kind of a blur
i guess the only thing i can really say is that it couldn't have gone better.

there were a ton of people
people responded to the work
it sold
(in 2 cases to people who have bought before)

i find it so hard to believe that things i make that are so personal have a wider appeal than to just the people who know & care for me.
©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

great news! congratulations, very beautiful work!
watermark - Apr 02, 2005

johanna - Apr 03, 2005


feelings are so alike, people feel like buying " their own feelings" someonelse could represent the way they cannot
it is like magic
it is fullfilling
serial_me - Apr 02, 2006

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