
what is?

daily bread
main image
paint doesn't lie #32: home
by neene on July 17, 2005

random thought #913, oil, graphite & encaustic on wood panel, 8x8", 2005

i've been spending a lot of time lately building my lomo home.
(please come visit)

it's taken me a while to get on a wave length with it,
but it's been worth the effort.
lomo is nowhere near as intuitive as other photoblogging sites,
i believe it really is designed to get you seeing differently.

and that is what i need for this project,
the same way i needed a square,
i needed an attitude shift
and it is totally in synch with the random thoughts concept:
fun, joy, discovery, no rules, shoot don't think.

through this effort, i really had to "look" at what i've been shooting,
get more familiar with it,
understand it from an intuitive
not an intellectual perspective,
which doesn't come from analyzing
but more from working with the images in a more oblique way.

(ok, i am not sure i exactly understand that either, but it's close)
©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

bruce - Jul 18, 2005

luisa - Jul 18, 2005

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