
what is?

daily bread
main image
by neene on August 4, 2005
shame is one of the most difficult, most destructive emotions
it is like it was then
but harder
then, it came in a blast that had to be repressed
because there was no place made for it
because i allowed compassion and faith to override it
and so it was suppressed
and so it has surfaced with a vengeance
because there is nothing to mediate it now
nothing to offset it
and its energy is hateful
but it can't be pushed down
it is going to have to transform into something else
and from where i sit now
it's not what i ever wanted
and that makes me sad.
©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

bruce - Aug 05, 2005

l - Aug 05, 2005

this is such a beautiful image seems making amends is the only way out... that means with yourself first of all
inthegan - Aug 05, 2005

I don"t KnoW
obdada - Aug 05, 2005

I love this the foto the dog and your brave unflinching willingness to come clean with your emotions... I so admire that I think you know that but I want to say it again
inthegan - Aug 06, 2005

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