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daily bread
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random thought #924
by neene on October 3, 2005


so yesterday's post didn't make it into the final cut after all
this did instead
they are both from the last batch that i have finished.

and i made the deadline
by about 10 minutes

massive head cold and all
turning into a major cough
this is where i forgo
the coconut curry noodle soup and
the baked squash with maple syrup
for tea with honey, lemon and a lot of whiskey

sleep please
©2004-16 nina meledandri
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SweeT DreaMs
ThE CuRe aLLs
FoR thE 'CoMMoNcoLd'
biLLbinOBdadA - Oct 04, 2005

Whiskey is an essential element of the "Cure of Two Hats."


1. Get in bed, and pull the covers up to your chin, except leave one foot hanging out.

2. Cover the foot with a hat.

3. Drink copious quantities of whiskey.

4. When you can look down and see two hats, you're on the road to recovery.


feel better, dear friend
bruce - Oct 04, 2005

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