
what is?

daily bread
main image
starting out
by neene on November 22, 2005


thursday i am having 14 for dinner,
it's not all on me; my friend lisa is hosting it too
and people are bringing things,
but still...
as usual i am a little behind
i have relinquished the 27lb bird and opted for one that's 15,
so i am not quite as nervous.
(don't worry, there should be enough, there is a small child and a veggie in our gathering)
©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

bruce - Nov 23, 2005

it might have been delicious...!!!
your dinner
the gathering
the "bird" ( i loved it : the bird )
serial_me - Dec 17, 2005

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