
what is?

daily bread
main image
by neene on January 4, 2006

you know those things in your life that are LOADED with meaning?

some are wonderful and you cherish them:
snapshots of memories
a necklace worn that first time,
dried flowers that whisper love...

and others haunt you
carry with them associations you would rather forget
which can pop-up in the most unexpected places

trying to dis-associate them doesn't work,
infact that often backfires

try re-associating...
that way you can transform the energy
without destroying anything.
©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

bruce - Jan 05, 2006

a question of refocusing into better energy or sometimes one has just to get rid of them. not to be haunted, forever... great image to represent both feelings
gato_gato - Jan 06, 2006

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