
what is?

daily bread
main image
by neene on January 23, 2006

i was going to title this: coming apart at the seams, but that's not really the case.
in a way it's the opposite: i am stitched up tight
but this image is true because it is a picture of something i have had for a very long time,
it's a little protection doll from india
meant to go above the doorway to your house
but mine is on my bike
to protect it from getting stolen
and now it is starting to fall apart

i wrote this today to someone
another artist with whom i have formed an on-line friendship
it kind of says what i mean:

i am fine really
and you?
from what you write
and how you write
it seems as if you are in a beautiful place
physically and spiritually
your transition is full blown
and even during the difficult times it seems as if you have gained the momentum to keep going forward
what a blessing

and what you have written about here,
those polar opposites is the key
or really
the key is the delicate balance
the fine line between them
which is exhilarating and tenuous
because on each side lies almost a quicksand
either one of complacency, so saccharinely sweet
or the other: a bitter and dark fear

does this make sense
it's just a reflection from where i am
which is beginning to go down this same road of redefinition that you seem to have navigated so well.

my biggest problem at this point is that i am engaged in practical matters
and even though i feel as if i am doing a good job with them
i want to scream and let go
and return to my messy little hole
even with its dissatisfactions
where nothing is defined and nothing makes sense but the process

crazy isn't it
i hate this efficient side of myself and yet i know she is necessary for this part of the journey
and i know that if i allow her to take charge i have a better shot of putting everything in place for the next stage
oh i want to go back through the looking glass

so i said i was fine
but perhaps not
though i do feel i am doing the right thing.

(and i did see a house last weekend that i can really see myself in
much more of a "home" than i thought i was looking for
but still a little funky
and very sweet & gracious
some build out would have to be done for my studio)

how is your studio?
are you painting
if so
i'm jealous
©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

keep the doll on until it completely comes apart;
but in the meantime, try getting another one..
( no creo en brujas, pero que las hay...las hay )

till end of last year i supposed i was in balance, but suddenly i saw myself just like you said, as wanting to go back through the looking glass...
but life doesn't let me move so freely !
or perhaps i'm too "plastered" or septic to allow myself to move as freely as i think i should
maybe i'm too old to need shelter, but that was such a good sweet feeling
i wasn't really sheltered, but the feeling was there, i think ( maybe home scents are this deep-inside shelter feeling )

think i need my concrete interests going along in sight..
they help me keep balanced inside
i admire people who can trace&track redefinition of their roads and navigate them well
think as if redefinitions are the most difficult part ever

so good to be here reading you

serial_mami - Jan 24, 2006

niCe MeSSagE
I thoughT thE Pic LooKeD "PrimaTiVe":
YoU alWaYs CaPturE thE BaSiC Essence
Of a ThinGs anD youR thoughTs/WordS arE LikewiSe CleaR--aS MuD=juS KiDDin' + righT oN
CoMMunicaTioN wonDerFuLlllllllllllldonE,
obDaDa - Jan 24, 2006

bruce - Jan 24, 2006


ding dong the whitch is dead...
fallen appart into, in your case, pure good energy. protection*
gato_gato - Jan 24, 2006

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