
what is?

daily bread
main image
by neene on February 3, 2006


i would love to say that returning to the studio i find that i am painting from a place of joy
but that wouldn't be true

i have had this experience before:
resisting working because part of me knows how painful that can be
how a huge flood of pure emotion can just overwhelm me

so i am taking that part of this;
that i have had this experience before
and i am just trying to "be" with it
as part of a process
not an end in itself
the only way it will ever be

(sorry my dear,
don't seem to have mastered:
"let's put an end point . to the suffering."
i'm working on it though")*
©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

bruce - Feb 04, 2006

wearable art
you are it!
gato_gato - Feb 05, 2006

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