
what is?

daily bread
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time again...1
by neene on February 8, 2006

every so often i come to the realization that i can't have anything in my life that does not support my work.

when it comes to people this doesn't mean that they need to like it

though it does mean they are willing to recognize it to some degree

but what it really means is that the people in my life must respect my relationship to it.

you wouldn't think it, but very often people can't or won't
(hard to tell which)
and then i have to accept that
and act in my best interests
which ultimately
(because that's the way i've set up my life)
is the work's best interest

sometimes i lose track of this piece of the puzzle for a while

anyone can feel free to remind me of it if i seem to be going off course again
©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

SeeMs LoGicaL
obdada - Feb 09, 2006

bruce - Feb 09, 2006

gato_gato - Feb 09, 2006

head bangers! lol

well, i believe the way you mean it
i learnt as well i could revert whatever would be written as fate in terms of balancing the emements thing in my chart. i am lots of water and pure air... but working on fire and grounding i can go ahead more balanced.

gemini with gemini, moon in cancer
they say it is good ;)

i'll see to the museum group tomorrow.

:* boa noite
gato_gato - Feb 09, 2006

luisa_in_response - Feb 11, 2006

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