
what is?

daily bread
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by neene on March 10, 2006


it bacame really clear today what is going on
up until this point it all seemed rather hypothetical,
but there is something about signing a contract that changes things,
if all goes well,
the place that has been my home for 25 years is no longer mine.
this is a rather strange feeling,
a bit scary,
very exciting,
hugely disorienting
but 99% of me is ready
©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

What aN inTeRestinG dooR
DoN'T haVe theS typeS oF LocKs ouT HerE iN CA.
I hoPe to NeVeR MoVe.BeeN aT This PlaCe foR 45 yRs..
So I caN'T eVeN iMaGiNe whaT yoUr goinG thrOUgh=
buT what caN I ImaGine abouT YoU..?
ThiS/That's wHy I LoVe U
YoUr sO GooD at ShaRinG.
obDaDa - Mar 11, 2006

get that other 1% in ageement

changes change everything
gato_gato - Mar 13, 2006

Toc! Toc! Toc! O adubo chegou!
malepi - Apr 27, 2006

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