
what is?

daily bread
main image
by neene on March 20, 2006


it's one of life's little mysteries
it feels like a gift
and gifts can be like that

you don't know what is inside
but it is meant for you
and sometimes that's the way it is with life

you don't know what it is
that is coming at you
but it's yours to deal with

and it's your choice
to make it a gift

to be perfectly honest
that isn't at all what i intended to write
i was going to talk about something completely different
but that will have to wait for another day
because clearly i've been given something else
to chew on
©2004-16 nina meledandri
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glad you changed subject
(so suits me)

and, yes! i finaly linked it*

gato_gato - Mar 21, 2006

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