
what is?

daily bread
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fact is stranger than fiction
by neene on April 26, 2006


you remember this...
©2004-16 nina meledandri
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Somebody told me once he thought the miracles attributed to Jesus where actually mass hallucinations derived from mold grown on rye bread. Lennon, having claimed to be more popular than Jesus once, was eventually killed by a man reading Catcher In The Rye. The walrus is a catcher of fish but rarely eats bread. Jesus, a fisher of men, told folks to eat his body figuratively, using bread. You say tomato, I say tornado, which have been known to rain fish down from heaven like manna. Frogs like a plague, as well. I saw that one time, in Florida . Made a slippery mess on the freeway, kinda like green tomato paste.
Nice work! Lovely texture and cool comparison.
Thanks. ;-)
Wasn't really a tomato, was it? Looks more like one of those hard pods that grow on trees. We used to throw them at each other as kids, I think. Would of made a neat time-lapse sequence!
9thlife - Apr 27, 2006

SoMeOne SureLy HaS a WoNdeRfuL waY witH worDs.
Me thiNks ThouGH
In tHe KinG JaMes EngLisH=
"iT wouLd "haVe" maDe a neaT tiMe LapSe seQueNce....''''
obdada - Apr 27, 2006

the 3 of you are great !
with words and images
joanna - Apr 27, 2006

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