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daily bread
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a arquivista [left]
by neene on June 19, 2006

photographed & packed a lot of early work today,
some things i hadn't seen in 10 years...

and this morning i had an experience that was very difficult and very reminiscent of years ago...
the blessing is,
that i really had a very different reaction.
the hurt & the anxiety were there
but i was able to approach it with a funny combination
of confidence & humility
which i guess,
just might be maturity
©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

&I'm jusT seeiNg thiS foR the 1St tiMe...
aVeRy MatuRe foR auDienceS OnLy
+VerY DaLi LiKe
~i'M sO SiMpLe
!=loVe eVerYthinG u Do!did DoNe
oBDaDa - Jul 01, 2006

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