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daily bread
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breaking down
by neene on June 24, 2006


today things really started to break down
or maybe i should say
today i started having a breakdown
because that's actually the truth

and then it happened
i flipped,
went through,
through the looking glass,
to the other side

i haven't been in this place for a while
but i once stayed here for a very long time
actually believing that i wasn't alone,
but that turned out to be a dream

i have no control over this:
when i leave,
when i return
it think it happens to protect myself from really flipping out,
i think maybe it's why other people take drugs
(whether prescribed or other)

it's a very familiar state
but i have never been here,
without the studio to ground me,
to help me work things through...

and that is a little scary
©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

hold my hand
no matter in which side
i am with you.

do not blow up too much
it's just ntural you feel this way.
we need break down sometimes, don't we?
it helps in the creative aspects of our reality but, drugs, no, i'm out!

ust had two prescribed ones, with coffee in fact. that keeps me keeping it up, being able to recognize the blessings, the smaller it is.

i have beenso damn temptedto go out there again, drink myself to detruction again... but my instincts, this time still hold me clean, no matter how strong my other side still calls... you know, specially in the weekends. so lonely!
gato_gato - Jun 25, 2006

bruce - Jun 25, 2006

this PoSt(breaKing DowN) scareS mE a biT
i meaN BecauSe I aM experiencin'G thE saMe thinG heRe.
I hope iM' nOt beinG SimplistiC buT right NoW today
ahorita wE neeD to CreaTe
something.Any thINg..
CreaTiviTy iS thE oPPositE oF Destruction
iT iS aFFirmaTioN insteaD of deNial
WhaT wE nEEd is
MoRe oF GoD & ouR goD=aS artistS;
noT moRe thaN GoD + OuR gOd~as aN aRTisT
GoD iS PurE CreaTioN..EvErYthiNg
goD Is CreaTiVeneSS
and of course
mY G_D iS ChrisT JESUS..
anS He firsT LoVeD mE.
I LoVe YoU!!!!
anD sOooo
LoVe ,
L oVe LoVe LovE
LoVe iS aLL yoU nEEd.
LoVe iS aLL YoU NeeD!
PeaCe OuT/////o\\\
oBDaDa - Jun 25, 2006

(dRaTs i'M noT PerFecT)
[buT theN NoBodY buT HE }"JC"{ iS.....!!!!

line 18
line 18
line 18
oBDaDa - Jun 25, 2006

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