
what is?

daily bread
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things change...1
by neene on November 12, 2006

things change
outside of your sphere
yet they still affect you
do you change in response?

things change
outside of your sphere
but you are unaware of this
after all
they are
outside your sphere

but then
for some reason
(i think i have talked about this before)
they are not
if you change
it's not exactly
in response

it is
not in a linear way

if a tree falls
and no one hears it...

things change
i have changed
am i aware of this

things change
i am happy

things change
i am sad

things change
i want them to
but i also want to know
they haven't

©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

ThiNgS ChanGe
aLonG witH tiMe
We geT oLdeR frOM tHe DaY wE eNteR thiS worLd..
GoD NeVeR cHanGeS..
We weRe LoVed
WheN wE weRe CreaTeD.
aNd wE wiLL bE LoVed foR aLL EteRNiTy
oBdada - Nov 13, 2006

bruce - Nov 15, 2006

tell me...
gato_gato - Nov 20, 2006

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