
what is?

daily bread
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and so this is christmas
by neene on December 25, 2007


for the first time in many years,
i am not in LA
i am not with my family

but at friends
who have a baby
(kind of,
more on that on animus)
who i have bought a gift for

a baby who i haven't met yet
a baby that i am convinced is about
6 months old
and then i find out
when i get there,
is 14 months

i mean,
when i say that i have lost part of my life
it's not a figure of speech
i really have
this is shocking
even to me
and it's why,
the thought of watching last year go by
while making this year's posts
is rather frightening to me
©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

you are light

it´s my heart!
museu - Dec 26, 2007

to have you as friend

is priceless
museu - Dec 26, 2007

i liKe aLL thE detaiL
obdada - Dec 26, 2007


thank you
andr - Dec 28, 2007

merry! ...and thank you for your tireless honesty... I always learn so much coming to catch up with you and with something else here by you, something that you always speak to in me... may you feel the connection you desire to all of your heart... happy new year!
inthegan - Dec 28, 2007

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