
what is?

daily bread
main image
night flowers
by neene on June 8, 2008


i always forget the name of this plant
i always call her "marisa's plant"
because that's who gave her to me
she has many offspring now
and they all are blooming
and i just remebered
she's a clivia
©2004-16 nina meledandri
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a liTTLe niGhT MuSiC..
i NeVeR couLd keeP a "cLiVia" aLiVe...
They aRe sO perfecT froM thE nurseRy thO.

obdada - Jun 10, 2008

appart from tulips and roses
i never knew plants and flowers and trees names
museu - Jun 11, 2008

i love this..............
maximorgana - Jun 12, 2008

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