
what is?

daily bread
main image
hanging baskets
by neene on June 17, 2008


some days
no matter how much i do
it doesn't seem like enough
that's not quite true
it's just that it all never gets done
it feels as if it all will never get done

is this just a feeling that i'm having
or is this reality

what is reality is
that all this "stuff"
is keeping me from the studio
©2004-16 nina meledandri
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ThE HouSe iS youR obJecT dE aRt..
aS sooN aS iT iS "finisheD" yoU caN reLaX?to WorK iN tHe StudiO.YeS?
aT tHe eNd oF eacH DaY = Enough iS eNough...
EverythinG NoT doNe wiLL bE waitinG wheN tHe SuN coMeS uP....
obdaDa - Jun 18, 2008

it is a feeling
to be trusted
but not, maybe,
blown up

you´ve achieved so much!
museu - Jun 19, 2008

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